Tuesday, 11 November 2008

Genetic engineering (Edexcel A2)

To be able to answer questions on genetic engineering really well you need to be clear about the steps in the process. This link will take you to a revision site which covers these really well. Click here to visit the site.

On the same site is some useful additional information on genetically engineered chymosin beyond that which we discussed in class. It includes a clear diagram showing how the chymosin that the cheese industry now uses was developed. Click here to go to the link.

Wednesday, 18 June 2008

Worlds First pregnant man?

Read this news story and understand the science behind this recently reported news story. click here

Tuesday, 6 May 2008

Tissue regeneration

Read a story about a man who's regrown his finger tip with the help of some pig extract. A feat all 2 year olds are capable of but not adult humans!!! story

Monday, 14 April 2008

Human cloning gets a step closer

A new technique has been developed in whole animal cloning that could pave the way for human cloning. read more

Fossil record found in Snake evolution

Very Relevent to year 10 evolution module. Read here how a limestone fossil of a bipedal reptile (2 legged snake) helps with a bit more of the story of how the limbless reptiles first evolved.

Wednesday, 12 March 2008

Fighting back against antibiotic resistant Bacteria

Scientists think they have discovered a mutation that allows bacteria to become resistant to some antibiotics. This could lead to them being able to restore antibiotics like penecillins full effectiveness read here

Thursday, 6 March 2008

Latest news on Flu transmission

Have a read about some current research on why Flu viruses prefer the colder weather here

Thursday, 28 February 2008

Mitosis tutorial


A web based tutorial to assist with our most recent topic at AS click here. It goes a bit beyond AS but has some good animations.

Screening in america is reducing cases of Cystic Fibrosis.

A programme to screen prospective parents for carriers of the cystic fibrosis gene has brought about a reduction in the number of children bourne with the genetic disease. Is it ethical, should it be done after conception when the decision may be to abort the preganancy? Read on then vote in the poll

Scientists produce a drought resistant plant!

Scientists have isolated a gene that regulates water loss. It could enable them to produce a plant that can survive periods of drought. Is this a solution to preventing famines? read more

Tuesday, 26 February 2008

A Book of Life

Scientists are about to publish a 'book of life' which will eventually contain all 1.8 million species in all kingdoms and includes viruses. Humans are only one page!!!! click here

He's in!!

Tuesday, 19 February 2008

A giant dinosaur eating frog!

A recent discovery that helps map out the separating of madagascar and south america about 80 million years ago just happens to be a giant frog that may well have eaten young dinosaurs as its prey. Read more

Thursday, 7 February 2008

News on HIV transmission

HIV is a blood bourne virus so passed through breaks in the skin. Here is a recent method of transmission identified by current research.

Lesson Materials

Coming Soon Lesson materials for revision assistance, just as soon as Mr Lavin can figure out how to do it!!

A child with three parents!!

A new breakthrough in combatting genetic disease caused by faulty mitochondrial DNA.

The technique involves 3 parents, 2 mothers and 1 father!! click here

Tuesday, 5 February 2008

MMR 'does not trigger reaction'

The MMR debate rages on, would you vaccinate your child. Read this recent article and make up your own mind!

MMR Story

Climate set for 'sudden shifts'

Is this the future for our planet, can we stop the change in our climate?

Lets hope so click here for the full story

Monday, 14 January 2008

Intensive farming

Where does you chicken come from, how did it live before it became dinner. Some chap called Hugh looks set to try and inform a nation check it out here. You'll never look at KFC the same way again!!